I simply don’t feel like working today, it would have been great to remain cuddled up with a romantic book in my bed, watching it rain, but alas! I am here in front of my system, trying to analyze some stupid document.
I don’t know, if it is common with everyone, but rain brings with it a feeling of solitude in me. It makes me feel lonely, yet so happy and lively.
I wish I could now, catch a train to nowhere, and just keep watching it rain from inside, watch the hills getting soaked with water, watch the blue bird fluttering its wing on the mountains, the small boy enjoying his food in the village far off, the buildings, the bridges, the stations, the hawkers, the train passing by, watch everything but still, be just with myself. A long long journey to nowhere, yet everywhere.
I wish I could now, run endlessly, no traffic around, no buildings nearby, nothing to stop me,away from the crowd, just me and the nature, enjoying the heavy downpour and feeling the life within.
I wish I could now, get together with Maa, Papa, Sarika di, Smita di, and Hrishi, all cuddled up in same room ,chatting and enjoying hot “pokoras” and “garam chai”.
I wish to get back to those days when I was a kid. The craze to throw away my raincoat and get wet in rain, compete with other kids to move my paper boats furthest in the small pond , formed after heavy rain and return home in completely soiled condition was so much fun. I wish to get back to those “kagaz ki kashti “days.
I wish to get back to those college days , enjoying the rain together with friends at our hostel, getting drenched completely and having fun beyond limits.
Rain makes me miss all the wonderful and precious moments of my life, badly, it makes me feel lonely and of all the things I don’t like washing my clothes every other day and waiting for next two days to get them dry;-)
I don’t like them, for they make me lazy, it becomes a challenge to come to office and work all day, and wait to doze off in the romantic weather. It whets my appetite for hot samosa’s and pakoras everyday, which I cannot eat.
It makes me miss every good thing, yet makes me feel good. A mixed bag of feeling is what it brings with it each day. So rain rain go way...................................