Education was the magic wand given to me , to earn my lavish living. It makes me thank my stars to have provided me with the MAGIC Of EDUCATION,when I see the little girl on the street,with those bright eyes, looking at the sky and wondering, if life can ever be as charming as that of the kids in polished shoes and white uniforms, rushing to school, with a bunch of coloured books? "I wish I could go to school", is her cherished dream .
The song below is an innocent wish of this little girl, it's a request to each of us, for, she cannot afford to go to a school. Do contribute your 2 hrs/week for the teach India Initiative.
Teach me Please!
I wish to fly like a bird in the sky.
Let not my bondage, to my birth become, the destiny of my life.
The sun seems bright, and the stars at my sight, they give me a hope to fly in the sky.
I wish to learn, I wish to know,
they say it’s learning, it’s knowledge and thoughts,
they give you feathers to fly in the sky, and think of a life with an angel by your side.
I don’t know what, it is to read.
I don’t know what, it is to write.
They say it earns you bread to eat
and feed you for months and months on feast.
Teach me to read & teach me to write, for I have a reason to learn them all right.
It is a lovely place, to sing, play and dance.
They say it’s a school, which makes things all right.
For they teach you to read, think & write,
They make you get the money to buy,
a dozen of candy and cakes every night.
I won’t ask for a Barbie doll,
I won’t ask for a sugar candy
Just teach me, how to play with words, it’s numbers, which I want to toss.
Mummy can’t buy me those feathers to fly.
Daddy can’t take me high to the sky.
For everything comes for a cost so high.
They say I need to pay, to fly so high.
The words are costly, so are the numbers,
So take all my sugar candies, the little doll and my new frock.
Give me words and numbers to think.
I want to learn, I want to know.
Something more than the garbage bins, the dirty lanes and the dirty broom.